3-6: West Coast Blues

DAVE'S BACK. And he's decided to choose violence again for the umpteenth time! The crew looks into how things are going into the season so far with a look into the top and bottom 5 teams over the last month, makes fun of Arizona but also at the same time, looks into how much of a good time it is in Mullet Arena at ASU, gives another take on the current landscape of hockey in Canada right now and much much more! While it's no secret that we're fans of of the LeafDem and the Oilers, We actually dive into how the Canucks (shudder) are doing with their recent stroke of luck. Finally, we check in on the Leafs as they return home from a nightmare of a West Coast road trip,

All that and more violence as we grace the space in between your head top. Let's go.


3-7: Oh Look, It’s the Consequences of Your Actions


3-5: Breatheeeeeee.